27 Per Day

2020 has been a year. With the COVID-19 pandemic, to the civil and political unrest, it seems like we could all use a break. Nonesomuch as our hardworking law enforcement officials. In the last four months, America’s law enforcement officers have been tested and stretched thin. In the beginning of the pandemic, they were seen as front line heroes. After the George Floyd tragedy in Minneapolis, however, law enforcement have been under attack. Whatever your political affiliation, one thing is certain, good police officers need us to stand up and support their hard work.

Here at Operation Thank an Officer, we recognize the selfless service and dedication of our men and women of law enforcement. Now, more than ever, they need us to stand behind them. That’s why on September 21, 2020, we launched our 27 Per Day initiative.

Each day, for the next 365 days, our Board of Directors has committed to writing 27 thank you notes to law enforcement officials. How did we come up with the number 27? Well, we turned to Google. If we write 27 thank you notes per day, in one year time, we will have written one thank you note to every sworn officer in the State of Minnesota, our organization’s home state.

We wish we had the manpower to write one to each and every of the 800,000 men and women are law enforcement officials in the United States, but we think 9,855 is a pretty good start. Some days we’ll write more, but we will never write less than 27 per day.

We hope that you’ll follow along in our journey on social media and that perhaps you’ll be inspired to join us in writing a simple thank you note to your local law enforcement officials! A simple note can go a long way!

Seven years ago when we started this organization, we started with the goal of thanking as many law enforcement officials as possible, and we continue that mission today. Now, more than ever, our law enforcement need to know that we are here, standing behind them, grateful for all they do in their communities.

Again, we hope you’ll join us in this endeavor. We encourage you to post your notes on social media so that we can see what you’re up to using the hashtag #27PerDay. Together with you, we’ll thank as many officers as possible in the next 365 days and beyond.

Liz Gerads
President, Operation Thank an Officer